After retiring as practicing lawyer in December 2015 I continue to offer international environmental consultancies in matters of environmental policy,
governance, administration and institution-building.
Advice is being provided - mainly in international consultancy projects - on all matters of environmental policy and governance, including national environmental policy and law, EU
environmental legislation and international environmental law. Expert advice is also given on administrative and institutional issues of environmental management.
Special expertise and knowledge in the transposition and implementation of EU environmental policy in new Member States and candidate countries have been gained since the year
2000 in leading positions in EU Technical Assistance Projects and Twinning Projects .
Services as resource person in environmental law training and education are also provided which can relay both on academic and practical experience.
In 2009, teaching activities were also resumed, as lecturer at the Free University Brussels on Environmental Policy and Law (2009-2010) and as moderator in e-learning
courses of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) International Environmental Law Programme with focus on environmental governance.
Key qualifications and experience:
- Specialist in environmental law (EU, international, comparative), environmental administration and institution-building
- Knowledge and experience in approximation processes in new EU member states, candidate countries and EU Neighborhood Policy countries
- Experience in the preparation, implementation and management of complex institution-building projects
- Experience in the implementation and coordination of training programs
- Experience as workshop moderator and facilitator
- Experience as adviser at highest governmental level
Current and recent activities
- Teamleader and expert to support the EU Commission DG ENV with newsletters, factsheets and advocacy packages about the EU Green Deal (2021-2023)
- Adviser to the German Federal Ministry for the Environment and the German Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) for the development and implementation of environmental institution-building projects in central and eastern Europe and in countries of the EU neighbourhood policy, currently in
- Expert in EU-financed projects in Eastern Europe (support to institution-building and law reform in environment), currently in
- Project preparation (project fiches, ToR)
- Moderator and resource-person in environmental law and governance courses
- Preparation of studies on environmental policy, law and governance
- Writing, editing on environmental policy, law and governance