Major advisory services since 1994
Sustainable tourism and biodiversity
Advice to the Federal Government of Germany on international instruments of biodiversity and sustainable tourism.
1996 – 1997, as part of a research project for the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, preparation of a draft for a „Global Agreement on Biodiversity and Sustainable Tourism“ (published in „Biodiversity and Tourism“, Springer Publications 1997).
1997 assisting with drafting the „Berlin Declaration on Biodiversity and Sustainable Tourism“ adopted by the Berlin Ministerial Conference on Biodiversity and Sustainable Tourism in 1997.
1998, on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, organisation of the International Heidelberg Workshop on Guidelines on Biodiversity and Sustainable Tourism (submitted to the 4th Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity in 1998).
1999 rapporteur of an international workshop convened by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation on case studies in biodiversity and sustainable tourism (workshop proceedings published in: Lothar Guendling/Horst Korn/Rudolf Specht (Editors), International Workshop: Case Studies on Sustainable Tourism and Biological Diversity, Federal Agency for Nature Conservation 2000).
Integrated coastal zone management
In 1996 legal adviser to the EU supported project on Integrated Coastal Zone Management carried out with the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) in Mauritius, with the objective drafting a regional legal instrument of cooperation between the member states of the IOC.