Dr. Lothar Guendling
Dr. Lothar Guendling


Publications include books, articles and essays on international environmental law, comparative environmental law, environmental policy and law of the EC and the international law of the sea.

Books and brochures (selection):
  • A Guide to Designing Legal and Institutional Frameworks on Aliens Invasive Species, 2000, IUCN Publication (Co-editor and co-author)
  • International Workshop: Case Studies on Sustainable Tourism and Biological Diversity, 2000 (Co-editor and co-author)
  • Implementing Article 8(j) and Other Provisions of the Convention on Biological Diversity to Strengthen the Legal Positions of Indigenous and Local Communities, 2000
  • Control Mechanisms and Sanctions for the Protection of Illegal Access to Genetic Resources, 1999, UBA Publication (in German)
  • International Environmental Law: Marine Environment, Polar Regions and Outer Space, 1999, UNITAR Training Course Materials, 2d Ed. 2007
  • International Environmental Law: Atmosphere, Freshwater and Soil, 1998, UNITAR Training Course Materials, 2d Ed 2007
  • Technical Assistance in Environmental Law and Institutional Development in Environment, 1997/1998, GTZ Publication, (in English and German)
  • Legal Obstacles to the Application of Nature Conservation Legislation, 1997, Council of Europe Publication, (in English and French)
  • Biodiversity and Tourism, 1997, Springer Publ (Co-author, in English and German)
  • Conservation and Use of Biological Diversity and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, 1996 (Co-author, in German)
  • A Guide to the Convention on Biological Diversity, 1994, IUCN Publication (Co-author; also available in Spanish, French and Arabic, 1996)
  • New Trends in Environmental Law, 1990 (Co-author, in German)
  • Tasks and Problems of European Environmental Policy, 1988 (Co-editor and co-author, in German)
  • The 200 Mile Economic Zone. A New Regime in the Law of the Sea, 1983 (in German, with English summary)
  • Trends in Environmental Law, 1978 (Co-author, in German)
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