Major research projects and studies (since 1994)
Since 1994 research projects and studies have been carried out which partly resulted in books or brochures. Among them were:
- Territorial planning in the Alpine region, 2000 to 2001 (together with the Alpenforschungsinstitut Garmisch Partenkirchen and the Office Dr Schemel Munich)
- Legal issues of control of invasive alien species, 1999 –2000, commissioned by IUCN
- Traditional knowledge of local and indigenous people (implementation of Article 8 (j) of the Convention on Biological Diversity), 1998 –1999, commissioned by the Climate Alliance
- Access to genetic resources,1996 –1998, study commissioned by the German Federal Environment Protection Agency
- Effectiveness of environmental institutions within the United Nations System, 1996-1998, study commissioned by the German Federal Environment Protection Agency
- Evaluation of the United Nations Environment Programme, 1996-1997, study commissioned by the Swiss Federal Environment Protection Agency
- Rights of indigenous people, 1996, commissioned by the German Forum Environment and Development
- Legal obstacles to the application of nature conservation legislation 1996 –1997, study commissioned by the Council of Europe
- Technical assistance in environmental law and institution-building, 1994-1998, study commissioned by GTZ
- Sustainable development in the Alps region, 1994, study commissioned by the German Federal Environment Protection Agency and carried out jointly with the Alpenforschungsinstitut Garmisch-Partenkirchen